Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hey Ya'll!
It is almost Thanksgiving!
I don't know about you, but I am so excited to eat "real", homemade food that's not Sodexo!
The Thanksgiving feast at my house is top notch.
My grandmother, mom, sisters and I spent at least 14 hours preparing food for the feast.
We definitely go over the top.
We create dishes that everyone in my family loves.
Family members from 3 different states all gather together at my house for this special occasion.
It is such a heartwarming time!

Of course, having a Thanksgiving feast in Maryland, we make multiple dishes with old bay.
The food would not be the same without it. It is a must!
Using old bay in our dishes ranges from, lightly sprinkling it on top of deviled eggs to using it as a seasoning in every single dish, combined with the ingredients, and on top.
It is so amusing to see my family members who are not from Maryland react to such the strong taste of the old bay in every single dish. You would think they would be used to it by now!

Not only is the food delicious, but spending quality time with family is whats awesome.
I am extremely thankful for the people that God has put in my life and Thanksgiving is a time where I really feel it.

I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends and truly grow to appreciate what you have!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hey Ya'll!
I am home! (As usual)
Yesterday, I went out to eat with my boyfriend's family.
We went to The Greene Turtle-this was my first time eating there, and let me say it was delicious!
This is not usually a place I would go to get my crab-hungry fix. Well at least I thought!
But I figured I should venture out of my comfort zone and well, try something crabby there.
 (I was craving it anyway)

I decided to try their crab dip, with pretzel sticks.
Sorry about the fuzzy-ish picture, but mmmm mmmm mmmm it was delish.
This just proves that well, you don't necessarily have to go to Maryland to get yummy crab dip!
There are Greene Turtles in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and even New York!
Go try it out!
Sorry bout all the food posts, well actually...not really. hehe

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ravens vs. Eagles

Hey Ya'll!

Since I am sitting here at home watching the Raven's football game I figured I would talk about then Ravens vs. Eagles. 
Can you guess which team is my favorite?
Surprisingly...the Eagles...
I know what you're thinking...
"She is not a true Marylander.", "She likes football?", "She has to be from PA then."
Well, to answer those questions...I am a true Marylander (Have lived here my whole life), I do like football, and nope, definitely not from PA.
The reason why I like the Eagles is because my family lived in Philly for many years before moving to Maryland. When they lived in Philly it was a whole new experience. It was virtually impossible to live in center city Philly and not be a die-hard Eagles fan.
When they moved to Maryland, their love for the Eagles did not die. Naturally, the love for the team was passed on to me.
Some think because we live in Maryland now that means we have to be a Ravens fan, but trust me, that will never happen. Although, I would consider the Ravens to be my second favorite team!
So I would say it is pretty nice to have something in common with you Pennsylvania people.
I am glad we can agree on something!